AIMS Community College Student Code of Conduct
Our students have the unique opportunity to be students at both District 6 and Aims Community College simultaneously. This means that students at Early College Academy have access to resources on the Aims campus, including but not limited to, the Physical Education & Recreation Center (PERC), Learning Commons (Library and Writing Center), College Center, laboratories, etc. Accordingly, students are expected to adhere to the college Student Code of Conduct, all college rules, and regulations and policies.
All ECA students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the function of Aims Community College as a public educational institution. Students must assume responsibility for their actions; observe federal, state and local laws and college regulations; and respect the rights, privileges and property of others.
Link to the Aims Student Code of Conduct:
Highlighted below are relevant segments from the Aims Student Code of Conduct. The following types of conduct will be reported to officials at Aims Community College for disciplinary action.
- Conduct Causing Disruption or Obstruction of College Operations, Activities, or Functions
- Conduct Involving the Use of a Controlled Substance, Alcohol, or Tobacco
- Conduct Causing or Threatening Harm or Injury to Other Persons
- Sexual Misconduct
- Mediation, Assistance, and Advocacy Program (MAAP)