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District 6 Graduation Requirements

Units of Credit

Graduation from high school in Weld County School District 6 (WCSD6) is achieved through the earning of credits as specified in this policy. Credits for all high school courses and for graduation requirements will be awarded on a "unit of credit" basis. One "unit of credit" is equal to a year of instruction within a course. Partial units of credit may be allowed for students enrolling at times other than the beginning of a semester according to the time spent in the course and/or the content mastered. All partial credit must be approved by the principal.

Plan of Study

A plan of study is defined as courses to be taken during the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th years of a student's educational experience that prepare for career aspirations. High school courses taken and given credit in middle school may be counted toward high school graduation requirements (beginning with the class of 2018). 

Requirements for High School Gradution

Minimum requirements for graduation from high school in the WCSD6 are twenty-two (22) units of credit in grades 9-12, including completion of specific subject area requirements and must also have received the recommendation of the high school principal for graduation. 

Specific Subject Area Requirements

Specific course requirements will be defined in a student's plan of study and will include, at a minimum, the following: 

  • Language Arts: 4 credits
  • Social Studies: 3 credits
    • .5 credit of Civics
    • 1 credit of US History
    • 1.5 credits of other social studies courses based on student's plan of study
  • Mathematics: 3 credits based on ECA's course offerings
  • Science: 3 credits based on ECA's course offerings
  • Physical Education: 1.5 credits
    • 1 credit in Physical Education
    • .5 credit in Health
  • Electives: 7.5 credits based on ECA's course offerings

Additional High School Graduation Requirements

To receive a high school diploma from Weld County School District 6, students must meet or exceed the district's academic standards by demonstrating college and career readiness on one or more of the following measure(s) as provided below in Reading, Writing, Communicating, and Math. This is in addition to the credit requirement.