Grade & Progress Reports
Grade Reports
It is essential for parents/guardians to be kept fully informed of their student's progress in school. Regularly updated grades are available on the parent portal of Infinite Campus, and those, combined with parent-teacher conferences, serve to promote a process of continuous evaluation of student performance. This process is designed to continually inform students and their parents of their academic standing and provides a basis for bringing about change in student performance if such change seems necessary.
Decelerated (Yearlong) AIMS Course Grade Calculation
In yearlong AIMS Community College Courses (American Government - PSC1011, Spanish I - SPAN1001, Spanish Language II - SPA2012, and US History Since Civil War - HIS 1220, and Advanced Academic Achievement - AAA 1009), students will be awarded high school and college grades at different intervals.
- For the purposes of Weld County District 6 grade reporting, the fall and spring semesters will be reported separately as two different classes. These reports will be made in December and May.
- For the purposes of AIMS Community College grade reporting, one grade will be reported in May. This grade will be cumulative to the entirety of the course (August- May). Specifics about grade calculation will be published in each course's respective syllabus. Due to the calculation involved, it is possible that students may receive three different grades.
- Example: A "D" Reported for Semester 1, a "B" reported for Semester 2 and a "C" reported as an overall AIMS grade.
Semester Long Aims Course Grade Calculation
AIMS Community College courses that are held over the course of one semester (not decelerated) will report identical grades to both Weld County District 6 and AIMS.
Semester Reports
Students’ grades (A, B, C, D, or F) are directly related to student mastery of academic course requirements and other criteria as determined by the teacher. They are permanent and do become part of the transcript. Semester grades are computed and based upon all work and mastery of academic course requirements as of the last day of the semester.
Grade Monitoring
All students and parents are encouraged to regularly check student grades using the Infinite Campus grading system via the student or parent portal. Students are able to access final grades in their Aims Community College classes through the myAims student portal.