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Open Campus

Early College Academy is designated as a closed campus for all Freshman and Sophomores. 

Early College Academy has an open campus policy for 11th and 12th grade students during lunch and during Free Periods. Juniors and Seniors who are eligible and are passing all classes may leave campus during lunch and off hours. An opt-out form may be signed by a guardian if they do not want their student to have this privilege. ECA staff reserve the right to revoke this privilege based on student academic progress, behavior, or for other reasons at their discretion. 

In order to leave campus, students are to present their Student IDs to campus monitors at the main entrance. Students who do not have their ID Card visible will not be allowed off campus. Students will not be permitted to leave campus from other doors. Individual student's Off/Open Campus can be removed by parents, guardians, and/or administrators due to concerns with attendance, grades, and/or behavior.