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Parking on Early College Academy property is a privilege and not a right.  Early College Academy requires all students driving on campus to have a current ECA Parking Permit.  The Parking Permit allows the school administration to know that all of our students who park on campus have the proper license, registration and automobile insurance.  The permit also helps us to locate the owners of vehicles quickly in a situation where a car is involved in an accident or is vandalized. Students are expected to park in the designated areas in the ECA parking lot. Parking in the lots of adjacent office buildings is not permitted. Additional information regarding parking rules and regulations can be obtained from the front desk.

In consideration of permission to park on District premises, each driver will release and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Greeley-Evans School District, its agents or employees from all theft, loss, costs, damages, injury, claims and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any negligent and/or intentional acts with respect to the presence or operation of your vehicle on district premises.  It is important to understand the above statement of release and understand that failure to comply with the school policy with regard to parking may result in disciplinary action or towing at the owner’s expense.