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Use of Cellphones & Devices

Personal Technology Devices (PTDs) include (but are not limited to) cellphones, bluetooth earbuds, smartwatches, tablets, and other devices. Per district policy, cellphones are not to be used for personal use during instructional time. Students may use PTDs as a designated tool for learning if authorized by the student's teacher. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the PTD is turned off or placed in silent mode and put away during instructional times. PTDs may be confiscated if the student does not comply with this policy to be returned to the student or parent/guardian at the discretion of an administrator.

Students’ use of PTDs with cameras and/or video recording capabilities is prohibited in locker rooms, bathrooms, or any other location where such use could violate another person's reasonable expectation of privacy. 

Students shall not use PTDs to engage in, promote or facilitate any other conduct that violates the student code of conduct, other Board policies or regulations, or state or federal law.
Reference: JICJ

Student Use of Laptop, Cellphones, and Other Electronic Devices

Students may carry electronic communication devices but these devices must be silenced inside school buildings, on school buses, at school-sponsored activities and on field trips. Electronic communication devices with cameras are prohibited in bathrooms or other locations where such operation may violate the privacy rights of another person. Ordinary use of electronic communication devices in school situations that disrupts and interferes with the educational process and is not acceptable. Electronic communication devices include cellphones, beepers, pagers, walkie-talkies, and any other telecommunications device that emits an audible signal, vibrates, or displays a message. The school/district shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of personal electronic communication devices brought onto school property. It is highly recommended that these devices not be brought to school.

Each student will be issued an ECA laptop for education purposes. Students will be responsible for the appropriate use of the laptop according to the details outlined in the technology agreement form. The student is responsible for damage, loss, theft or destruction of the school issued laptop.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all electronic devices are turned off and out of sight during unauthorized times as determined by their instructor. Violation of policy and/or use that violates any other district policy shall result in disciplinary measures and/or confiscation of the electronic device. Confiscated devices shall be returned to the student only after a conference with the parent/guardian, student and school personnel. Repeated offenses will be addressed in accordance with the District 6 Behavior Consequence Matrix.